
Colgan is now preparing for the 2024-25 school year

Timeline & Events:

Jan. 18-28: Course Recommendations on StudentVUE

Course recommendations from teachers are available to view on StudentVUE between January 18 and 28. Students will also be able to make additional requests on StudentVUE during this time. Instructions are posted on Canvas Student. Please contact your student's teacher if you have any questions about the recommendation.

Jan. 22: AP & DE Info Session and Curriculum Fair

At 6:30pm in the Auditorium, we will host our Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Enrollment (DE) information session. Dr. Healey, Mrs. Handville, and Mrs. McClellan will discuss AP and DE courses available at Colgan along with what the courses are, why students should take them, and how to earn college credit. The differences between AP and DE will also be shared, along with the process for enrolling in either or both of these types of courses. Colgan-specific information about advanced courses will also be presented.

Following the main session, families will have the opportunity to attend up to two breakout sessions in a variety of areas including grade-level specific sessions as well as sessions highlighting Naviance tools, How AP and DE credit transfers to colleges, Academic and career planning workshop, NVCC and Dual Enrollment, and Elective courses.

Jan. 31 & Feb. 1: AP DE Student Panels

Two student panels are offered, on January 31 and February 1, for students considering enrolling in AP and DE coursework. Students interested in hearing a student's perspective can register in Naviance or see their school counselor.

Academic Advising- Beginning Feb. 1

Academic advising will begin through English classes on February 1 with rising seniors and continue through Spring Break. After your student meets with their counselor, the requests will be visible in Parent/StudentVUE under Course Requests. Requests will also be emailed home in May and changes can be made through June 1.

New Course Offerings for 2024-25:

  • English 10 AP Seminar
  • AP African American Studies
  • AP PreCalculus
  • Data Science
  • Biology Dual Enrollment
  • Biology II: Anatomy
  • Creative Writing II
  • PLTW Digital Electronics
  • Communication Systems
math courses

Math Courses

science courses

Science Courses

history and social science courses

Social Studies Courses

english courses

English Courses

math courses

Business Courses

math courses

World Language Courses

math courses

Health & PE Courses


FACS & CTE Courses


Fine Arts


Performing Arts


Cross Curricular