Fine Arts

Visual and Fine Art Courses

Students need an arts or CTE elective for graduation

Visual Art Courses

Art I - Basic Foundations

Prerequisite: None

First-year art students are enrolled in this introductory course. Art foundations will include two-dimension and three-dimension art production as well as visual literacy experiences with a focus on the elements of art and an introduction to the principles of design.

Art II

Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in Art I

Students will focus on the principles of design with reinforcement of the elements of art. In this course, students will demonstrate proficiency and craftsmanship in a variety of media.


Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in Art II

Students will explore art periods, styles, cultures, and artists through art production. Students will provide evidence of original ideas while demonstrating accomplished skill and technique with a variety of traditional and contemporary tools and media.

Art Portfolio Prep

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I and II with a “B” or better average

The Art Portfolio Preparation studio is intended for students committed to serious study in art. The studio will focus on the student’s individual artistic talents. The portfolio, compiled by the student, will demonstrate a variety of experiences in the formal, technical, and expressive means. This course is highly recommended for juniors considering AP Art their senior year.

Photography I

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I

Students will need a 35mm camera, not supplied by the school, for photography I.

The study of black and white photography as an art medium is introduced. Light, design, lens, camera, film, and darkroom techniques are explored. The history of photography and related career opportunities provide a broad overview of the continually growing technical and artistic field of photography. Student self expression as a means of creative communication is emphasized throughout the course. A student portfolio is maintained for assessment and exhibition.

Photography II

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Photography I with a “B” or better

Students will expand photography skills using digital cameras. Emphasis will be placed on the study of personal expression and development of creativity. Advanced camera problems and darkroom techniques will be studied through a variety of assignments. The history of photography will be offered through the study of major photographers, photographic imagery, the use of photography for artistic communication, and the major themes used by photographers. Ethical issues concerning photographic imagery will be explored. Students will also explore digital cameras and scanners to create photographic compositions. Students will produce a portfolio containing digital photographs reflecting a series of works organized around a compelling visual concept or concentration.

Computer Art

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I

This course places emphasis on the production of artistic computer imagery, rather than commercial/web graphics. Students will use photographic software to examine and alter images for computer graphic and fine art applications. The study of aesthetics and history of art will be included in the course. Students will combine natural art media, scanned images and digital photography with computer imagery. Students will be required to produce digital portfolios.

AP Art Courses

AP Studio Art 2D

Prerequisite: Completion of Art I and II with a “B” or better, or teacher recommendation. Recommend completion of Portfolio Prep prior to AP Art

The Advanced Placement studio studies are intended for the highly motivated students committed to serious study in art. Students should have completed Art I and II or have an art teacher recommendation for this course. This portfolio is intended to address a very broad interpretation of two dimensional (2-D) design issues. This type of design involves purposeful decision-making about how the use of the elements and principles of art work in an integral way. This portfolio is comprised of 3 sections: Quality (5 actual works of art), Concentration (12 slides which reflect a series of art around a visual concept in 2-D Design) and Breadth (12 slides that demonstrate a wide variety of concepts, media and approaches.) Actual works of art and slides are submitted for AP Examination review.

AP Studio Art 3D

Prerequisite: Completion of Art I and II with a “B” or better and teacher recommendation. Recommend completion of Portfolio Prep prior to AP Art

The Advanced Placement studio studies are intended for highly motivated students committed to serious study in art. Students should have completed Art I and II and have an art teacher recommendation for this course. This portfolio is intended to address a broad interpretation of sculptural issues in depth and space. This portfolio is comprised of 3 sections: Quality (10 slides consisting of 2 views each of 5 works), Concentration (12 slides of a series of works organized around a compelling visual concept in 3-D Design) and Breadth (16 sides consisting of 2 views each of 8 works that demonstrate a variety of concepts, media and approaches). Slides are submitted for AP Examination review.

AP Studio Art - Drawing

Prerequisite: Completion of Art I and II with a “B” or better and teacher recommendation. Recommend completion of Portfolio Prep prior to AP Art

The Advanced Placement studio studies are intended for the highly motivated students committed to serious study in art. Students should have completed Art I and II and have an art teacher recommendation for this course. This portfolio is intended to address a very broad interpretation of drawing issues and media. The AP Drawing portfolio is comprised of 3 sections: Quality (5 actual works of art), Concentration (12 slides which reflect a series of art around a visual concept in drawing) and Breadth (12 slides that demonstrate a variety of concepts, media, and approaches). Actual works of art and slides are submitted for AP Examination review.

CFPA Art Courses

CFPA Art I Basic Foundations

Prerequisite: Acceptance in the CFPA Art Program

This course is designed for the first-year CFPA student. The areas of concentration will include basic foundations, principles of design, elements of design, visual literacy, two-dimensional design and three-dimensional design. This course will serve as the prerequisite for all advanced CFPA studio classes and prepare the student in a specific medium. Each student will be required to present an exit portfolio of the work prepared in the class.


Prerequisite: A grade of B or better in CFPA Art I

This course is designed for the second-year CFPA student and includes a more in-depth study of basic foundations, media and stylizations. The student will be encouraged to develop a particular medium. Each student will be required to present an exit portfolio of the work prepared in the class.

CFPA Painting/Printmaking

Prerequisite: Successful completion of CFPA Art II or ART II

In this course, students will participate in an in-depth exploration of processes in drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and mixed-media. Students will experiment with various tools and techniques. Students will also explore the works of professional two-dimensional artists. Upon completion of this course, students will select two-dimensional work

CFPA Ceramics/Sculpture

Prerequisite: Successful completion of CFPA ART II or ART II

3D Media and Design is an exploration of sculpture and ceramics with an emphasis on the individual's study of three-dimensional form, expanding upon the student's current knowledge of media. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques in their work. They will also explore the work of professional sculptors and ceramicists. Students will select three dimensional works of art created in this class to diversify their existing portfolios.

CFPA Creative Writing

CFPA Creative Writing Exploration

Prerequisite: Acceptance in the Creative Writing Program

Creative Writing Exploration is the first course in the CFPA creative writing program. 9th grade CFPA creative writing students will enroll in this course. Students will read, analyze, and write in a variety of genres, learn and collaborate with each other, and explore writing techniques and processes in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and scriptwriting.

CFPA Creative Writing - Poetry & Fiction

Prerequisite: C or better in Creative Writing Exploration

Sophomores in CFPA Creative Writing will take Poetry & Fiction.Students will extend their study of classic and contemporary fiction writers and poets; read, analyze, and respond to craft essays on fiction and poetry writing; write original works focusing on the development of characterization, plot structure, story frames, point of view, dialogue, style, voice, sensory imagery, and figurative language.

CFPA Creative Writing - Script & Nonfiction

Prerequisite: C or better in Creative Writing Exploration

Script & Nonfiction is open to 11th or 12th grade students in the CFPA Creative Writing Program. Students will explore the composing processes of professional writers; view, analyze, and critique classic and contemporary plays, films, and broadcasts for dramatic structure; write for live theater and screen; study different types of creative nonfiction writing; write original works focusing on the development of voice, style, and tone.

CFPA Creative Writing For Publication

Prerequisite: C or better in Creative Writing Exploration

Publication produces two literary journals- the Siren and the Megalodon, as well as engages in podcasting. This course is repeatable for credit, so students can take the course for multiple years. A strong editing background is needed for this course, so it is recommended for 11th and 12th grade CFPA creative writing students.

CFPA Creative Writing Seminar

Prerequisite: Must be in the CFPA program, earned a “C” or better in Creative Writing Exploration

In this capstone course, advanced creative writing seniors will work on written pieces of their choice, in genres of their choosing, under the guidance of an instructor.